Muslims 3
01.11.2016 13:51are treated worse than immigrants!
Refugees or "homeless" who come here from Asia or Africa get free housing, food, medical care, dental care (SEK 50), education and more. This does not apply to those who are already here since birth, so-called Swedes. Have you ever heard of homeless people sleeping rough had access to all the listed aid?
The following describes another example of a reverse racism.
A little girl in Yemen
01.11.2016 16:15tells heartbreakingly how she was forced to marry, against her will, and talk about girls' risk of being married off at very young age.
11 Year Old Yemeni Girl Ran Away From Forced Marriage
01.11.2016 16:17in Pakistan are persecuted, harassed and imprisoned solely because they are not muslims. Pakistan is one of the world's worst countries to live in as a Christian.
Brigitte Gabriel
15.11.2016 16:26born October 21, 1964, is a conservative American journalist, author, political lecturer, anti-Islamic extremism activist, and founder of two non-profit political organizations, the American Congress For Truth and ACT! for America.
Brigitte Gabriel on Islam in American Schools
We are facing a clash of civilization
Dogs hate
19.11.2016 17:06This is what happens when Islamic hatred for dogs is passed on to Muslim children.
22.11.2016 10:45“Too Little Nutella”: Invaders Burned Center
Nonwhite invaders from Morocco and Algeria pretending to be refugees burned down a €10 million “reception center” in Dusseldorf—because there was too little Nutella, candy, and chocolate at the Ramadan breakfast spread, a court has heard.
The arson destroyed a major exhibition hall near the airport, with smoke disrupting air traffic.
According to German media, charges have been brought against a Moroccan and an Algerian, named respectively as Mohammed B., and Adel D., both 27-years-old, for starting the initial fire.
In formal charges placed this week, the Dusseldorf public prosecutor revealed that the invaders had started the fire in the exhibition hall—being used to house hundreds of fake refugees—because there was not enough Nutella, “gummi bars,” and chocolate at the food buffet set out for breakfast after Ramadan.
“The trigger was a dispute about the food in Ramadan,” Dr. Martina Reinartz, spokesman for the District Court of Dusseldorf, confirmed.
Some 26 people were injured, and damage to the value of €10 million was incurred as the hall burned to the ground.
The charges against the two nonwhites include arson, and the public prosecutor’s office has prosecuted Adel D. for heavy incendiary incidents and causing “dangerous bodily harm.”
Mohamed B. was arrested shortly after the fire—but has since been released and now continues to live as a “refugee” in another invader center in Dusseldorf.
There is of course, no justification for any Moroccans or Algerians to claim asylum in Europe, even by the European Union’s ridiculously lax definitions of who is a “refuge.” Despite this, Mohammed B. and the other culprits involved in the arson attacks still continue to live off the German taxpayers pretending to be refugees.
Russian Special Forces
05.12.2016 17:55finds weapons cache.
Knock-Knock! Russian Special Forces raid house, find ISIS flag, weapons and ammo
In Uppsala
06.12.2016 14:32Another victim of multiculturalism!
Five teens are accused, suspected of group rape of a boy in a grove of trees.
He was beaten, bitten and threatened with a knife, according to the lawsuit.
- The most important evidence is their own data and videos from the event from their mobile phones, prosecutors Johan Strömbäck said.
The teenagers, aged 16 to 17 years old, are prosecuted for aggravated rape of a child. One of them is also suspected of abuse of legal proceedings as well as child pornography.
The victim is a child under 15 years.
According to the indictment the assault took place in a grove of trees in Uppsala evening / night between October 24 and 25, 2016. The victim was first hit in the head and body. Then the suspects had taken hold of the injured boy, hands over his mouth and carried him into a forest where all five suspects have assaulted him. The boy was also bitten in the back.
Throughout the assault, the suspect threatened the victim with a knife. One of the teenagers said that the victim should be "injured and killed with a knife," reads the indictment.
According to the prosecution the assault has been planned and continued for at least one hour.
- They deny the crimes, yhe prosecutors Johan Strömbäck said.
The prosecutor's best evidence are video clips from the suspects' cell phones, as they filmed the assault.
One of the accused have threatened to put the videos on Facebook or other social media if the boy tells the police about the abuse.
But he did it anyway - and the five were arrested and detained.
- In three phones, we found material that is of interest to the investigation. Some of the offenders' faces are visible, says Johan Strömbäck.
The prosecutor has demanded deportation of all the defendants.
Egypt shocked by photos of 6-year-old girl tortured, burned by father
12.12.2016 16:32A man tortured his 6-year-old daughter in Egypt with a cigarette lighter as punishment for eating her younger brother’s food, leaving her with horrific burns to her hands.
The little girl was later found by neighbors - her fingers blackened and badly burned - crying hysterically in front of her house in the al-Mirmah neighborhood of Beni Suef province.
Police arrested the man, who is said to have grabbed the lighter and burned his daughter’s fingers, face and mouth as a punishment. After the attack the little girl fled the family home and tried to find her mother, but failed and was forced to return back where neighbors found her sitting outside crying.
Neighbors said the six-year-old was subjected to systematic torture by her father. The neighbors said the man also used to urinate on the girl and burn her body parts with hot spoons – although there was no mention of how long they had known, or if they had ever tried to stop the attacks, or report the man.
Further medical examinations revealed that the girl had suffered second and third-degree burns on various parts of her body.
This is just another example of Muslims wiev of others and treatment of girls. A Christian would never think of harming their own children, but in the Muslim world, this happens again and again. Muslim values are now spreading in Europe. Our politicians call it multiculturalism and does not seem to realize the danger.
10 year old girl attacked
13.12.2016 16:22A SCHOOLGIRL was doused in kerosene, set on fire and thrown into a well after she tried to fight off rapists, the child has told police.
The girl, aged 10, was found after suffering burns to 60 per cent of her body in a Jharkhand village, eastern India.
Police have registered attempted rape and murder charges against two men who are missing, and detained five suspects for questioning, the Hindustan Times reported.
At the time of the alleged attack the child had been playing when the pair tried to lure her away with sweets.
The girl who was outside her home in Seraikela-Kharsawan district’s Kandra village on Wednesday morning refused.
But the men then dragged her to a stone-crushing unit in the village, police said.
There the pair stripped her and tried to rape her.
The girl tried to fight them and tried to flee.
When the men caught up with her they set her one fire and left her in a dried well, officers claim.
A passing woman heard the girl’s screams and managed to get help to pull the severely burnt child from the well.
An official associated with the case told the Indian Express: “The victim gave her statement to the police. We have registered a case.
“The girl said that she could identify the men, but did not know them by name.”
Arvind Kumar Singh from Kandra police station said the girl’s family recently moved to Kandra from West Bengal, and police were investigating if an acquaintance may have been involved in the assault.
Sexual violence in India caused an outrage across the country and overseas in 2012, when a 23-year-old Delhi student was gang-raped on a moving bus and later died in hospital.
Mass street protests followed the attack about the high levels of violence against women, and prompted the Indian government to toughen jail sentences for rapists.
Last year 34,651 cases of rape were reported in India, statistics released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) showed.
In 33,098 of those cases the victims knew their attacker.
The Great Palestinian Lie
Pat Condell explains
24.12.2016 14:11The Great Palestinian Lie
Israel And The United Nations
US/Mexican Border
17.01.2017 15:09Saudi woman
Saudi woman explains women´s situation in S.A.
17.01.2017 15:26Bill Warner, USA
Bill Warner compares religions
17.01.2017 15:36Belgium
Commercial by Vlaams Belang
17.01.2017 15:47Trailer Immigratie-invasie: de nieuwe kolonisatie - Filip Dewinter
Birmingham, England
Is England lost?
04.04.2017 12:48Pat Condell
Charter flights
24.10.2019 09:49Apparently, Europe hasn’t suffered enough from what is best described as an ongoing invasion of mainly Muslim illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East that has dumped nearly 2 million of them into the heart of Europe since 2015. Now, the UN is using charter flights (likely funded by George Soros) to bring planeloads of these welfare-dependent for life so-called “refugees” from Africa directly into Germany.
African immigrants
24.10.2019 10:54AUSTRALIA: These African (likely Muslim) invaders picked the wrong house to rob.
African-immigrant gang violence has become the new norm for Australians living in Melbourne, who must fend for themselves. Home invasions, carjackings, jewellery heists, street bashings and overall violent crimes have risen to the point that has the city living in fear.