is a computer expert from the CIA, who later worked for the NSA, National Security Agency, which deals with data monitoring. He revealed the worldwide monitoring of data traffic and telephone calls of both enemies and friends. Everybody is more or less bugged. It became known that both the President of Brazil and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were bugged. Both became extremely irritated and America's administration had to stand in the pillory. Classified documents were submitted to journalists in Hong Kong. When they were published Snowden was accused of spying and risks 30 years in prison. During a flight to Cuba, he made a stopover in Moscow. His passport had been revoked by the American authorities and Snowden became stranded in Moscow. He is still in Russia without being able to get out. Yet another person who must pay dearly when they pointed out the anomalies. USA administrtion blaming the hunt against terrorism justifies everything. The journaanomalieslists who published the secret documents received Pulizerpriset 2014. Snowden himself has been called everything from a traitor to the hero, whistle-blower and a computer expert from the CIA, who then worked for the NSA, National Security Agency, which deals with data monitoring. He revealed the worldwide monitoring of data traffic and telephony of both enemies and friends. All are more or less bugged. It became known that both the President of Brazil, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel was bugged. Both became extremely irritated and America's administration had to stand in the pillory. Classified documents were submitted to journalists in Hong Kong. When they were published Snowden was accused of spying and risks 30 years in prison. During a flight to Cuba, he made a stopover in Moscow. His passport had been revoked by the authorities-American and Snowden became stranded in Moscow. He is still in Russia without being able to get out. Yet another person who must pay dearly when they pointed out the anomalies. America's administrtion blaming that the war against terrorism justifies everything. The journalists who published the secret documents received Pulizerpriset 2014. Snowden himself has been called everything from a traitor to the hero, whistle-blower and patriot.