10.01.2016 16:31
has always emphasized how profitable it is with immigration, not to mention how enriching it culturally with people from far away with their originality and traditions. People with other world views and values.
The press has of course been around and has praised the great value of immigration. Both politicians and the press have been so-called politically correct.
Not everyone is as enthusiastic!
Gang rape
A 23-year-old woman was approached by four teenagers, refugee children as they are called politically correct. They tricked her to a desolate place and raped her. The woman claims to have been raped six times in a row, according to the prosecutor, it was at least four people who wronged her. She managed to get to South Hospital. Its adverse level of seriousness, said a source. "Kids" comes from Nordfrika, but can not be expelled because one does not know exactly where they come from. The abused woman think certainly not the cultural exchange was enriching.
Source: https://www.dn.se/sthlm/tonaringar-gripna-for-gruppvaldtakt/
Refugee charged with brutally murdering a transvestite - dead snake around the corpse's neck
According to the indictment was 16-year-old - with another, 19-year, refugee children - invited to the 56-year-old transvestite's apartment in Bergsjön in Gothenburg on 25 June.
The gay man was severely beaten with various objects. When the body was found a dead snake was lashed around his neck.
A mobile video from the event, used as evidence, shows how the 16-year-old packs his victim's belongings in a backpack inside the apartment. He is also heard shouting invective against the man with allusions to his sexual orientation.
There are also DNA evidence linking the suspect to the murder weapon and dead snake.
According to the prosecutor, these are about a brutal murder with hate crime motives.
- He has mistreated him and killed just because he was gay and dressed as a woman, said Prosecutor Lotta Nielsen to GT.
The accused 16-year-old first denied everything in interrogations. Then he told me that "the woman" had come up to him on the street and offered to help him with food and clothing. When they got to the apartment the "woman" took of his wig and made sexual advances, according to the accused, who claims he acted in self-defense.
The 19-year-old refugee is accused of protecting the criminal. Both are originally from North Africa.
The two muslim youngsters showed their traditions and values. In the Muslim world, it is laudable to kill sexual minorities, such as homosexuals and transgender people.
Sex harassment in Cologne has become big politics
Large German police cars are lined up in rows on the field in front of the station. Beefy police officers wearing body armor stand straddled in groups on the stairs and look intimidating. It is obvious that the police would strongly highlight the presence to provide reassurance and to show their presence.
This was not the case a week ago on New Years Eve.
Yantzen spent part of New Year's night at the Cologne Cathedral and describes appalling scenes with a large crowd of young men of foreign origin who was heavily drunk and shot fireworks at each other.
- When the women began to appear shortly before midnight groups of men encircled single women, went close up and began to molest them sexually. When the women told them to stop it was clear that the men did not understand what they said.
Afraid of political explosive force
In German newspapers anonymous womentold how they felt hand on the buttocks and between her legs. Unable to protect themselves against so many men. Many of the women were also robbed.
Despite these scenes the police the next day described New Year celebrations as "relaxed". Only after several days did the full extent of what happened appear. Something which led to many Germany claims that the police and local politicians deliberately tried to hush up what happened. The reason would be fear of the political explosive force in the fact that many of the perpetrators were suspected to be migrants and asylum seekers who have come to Germany in recent months.
The police have admitted that the first description of New Year celebrations was incorrect and the fact that the police chief was fired today is a clear indication that those who talk about the blackout is not totally wrong.
In the same direction is an internal police report, read by several German newspapers, describing how the police totally lost control on New Year's night.
"There were so many abuses at the same time that it was impossible for us to have time to take up complaints. It was complete chaos and a disgrace," the police officer wrote.
He also wrote that he had never in his 29 years of service encountered such a lack of respect for the police and its work. The perpetrators stopped actively police from reaching sex harassed women and openly mocked the police.
Can be organized
New reports continue to come in. To date, it is 170, of which 119 applies to sexual harassment. Press spokeswoman Stefani Becker wearing a yellow vest on top of his uniform, tells us that a complaint may contain abuse of several women.
Since similar abuse, although not to the same extent, occurred on New Year's in Hamburg, Stuttgart and several other German cities the police is inclined to believe that the sex harassment may have been organized.
- When so many young men gather in one place at the same time it is tempting to suspect somehow they agreed to meet, says Becker. But we do not yet know how.
So far, the police have 31 suspects, of which 28 are citizens of different countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Two are Germans and one American.
With a look at a note in hand, she says that the police is going through 350 hours of recordings from the surveillance cameras that are around the square.
- It will take a long time to go through and identify culprits. Because women felt that it was a mob that attacked them, it can be difficult to single out individuals.
In other words, it becomes difficult to sentence someone which will further add the indignation.
Politicians want to appear tough
The abuse gets a huge amount of attention in the German media and is the talk of the public. Politicians from all parties are trying to position themselves to be seen as tough and energetic. For those who are opposed to Germany receiving so many immigrants events constitute of a belated Christmas present.
Ever since the sex offenses were known right-wing populist Option für Dutschland, AFD every day have put up a little stand in front of the Central Station where they are agitating for tougher measures against refugees.
Thomas Traeder is one of the party's leading figures in Cologne. Wearing a dark gray coat against the biting wind, he shares flyers and talk to troubled people. He agrees that what happened on New Year's Eve favors his party but argues that it is unreasonable not to talk about who it was who carried out the abuses.
- The influx of refugees do have a direct bearing on what happened during the New Year night. We are about to import the lack of respect for women in Muslim countries to us. All Muslim men are not like this, but enough for us to have a problem.
Young women I talk to outside Cologne Hauptbanhof seems to agree with that particular piece.
- I am shocked at what has happened, says 17-year-old Fransisca Fischer. You become afraid. I will probably no longer dare to go out late in the evenings.
Like many other Germans Marilena, 18, thinks that the guilty in cases where they are immigrants should be deported.
- They can not come here and seek shelter one day and commit these kinds of felonies next. Although many will surely are good people.
"More can vote for us"
AFD is trying to ride on the wave of hatred and anger that the sex abuse have brought. They hope that the voters will conclude that the established parties are no longer able to manage immigration.
- I think what has happened can get more people to vote for us, says Thomas Traeder but not enough to make a real difference already at the next election.
AFD want to use a clause in the German constitution as per the party's opinion, makes it unlawful to grant asylum to refugees who come to Germany from a safe country, such as Austria. It would mean that many were thrown out
The young man with the long gray hair is surprised that I interview him. The German media are anxious to give AFD space much like the Swedish media once were when it came to the Sweden Democrats.
- German media are not interested in talking to us. But foreign.
Even before the events in Cologne, far-right violence against refugees increased in Germany. Numerous refugee accommodation has burned down last year, and in many cases neo-Nazi groups tried to prevent refugees from going off buses at refugee accommodations.
Now it can be even worse. Particularly in eastern Germany where unemployment is 15-20 percent in many states and xenophobia massive. People get upset when refugees are given jobs and allowances.
A first indication of how bad it can be, we can get Saturday afternoon when Islam hostile Pegida will demonstrate in Cologne. If the counter-demonstrators as expected show up, it can get really hot.
Source: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article22060111.ab
Angela Merkel promised that Germany would receive a million refugees in 2015. She could perhaps not imagine that asylum seekers would seek asylum one day and the next day to perform criminal acts of sexual abuse and robbery.